SECKA Update 03 September 2023
Welcome to the second SECKA update for 2023, our online newsletter keeping you informed about what's happening across our Kāhui Ako.
Workstream Strategic Plans
With the updating of the Kāhui Ako Memorandum of Understanding, the Across School Teacher team has been working on writing the strategic plan's for each of the workstreams.
Below are the goals for each workstream presented as a 'plan on a page.' Please follow the links to the workstream sites where you can view the strategic plans which unpack the actions we plan to take to achieve each goal.
Across School Teachers in Schools
As the Across School Teachers begin to work on enacting their relevant achievement challenges, the team have booked in times during term 3 and 4 to work at each of the SECKA school sites.
On these days, ASTs are meeting with Senior Leadership around the elements listed in the table to the left.
These ASTs in schools days are a fantastic opportunity to build connections both within and across schools as well as ensure the touch of the Kāhui Ako is felt widely.
Niho Taniwha Professional Development
On 10 August, a group of four teachers and ASTs attended a Niho Taniwha professional development day to learn with and from others about improving teaching and learning for ākonga Māori. This successful workshop was thought-provoking and not only served as a source of rich Te Ao worldview and an exploration of the impact of ākonga Māori throughout their learning journeys, but also offered teachers a deeper understanding on ākonga needs, as well as their whānau, hapū and iwi.
Niho Taniwha, written by Dr Melanie Riwai-Couch, aims to equip educators with culturally responsive practices to better serve and empower Māori students and their whānau.
Kōkiritia Marautanga
Te Mātaiaho, the refreshed NZ Curriculum Framework, will be mandated from 2026. Our Kāhui Ako has been invited to participate in a networked curriculum community to explore and evaluate the implementation of Te Mātaiaho.
Kōkiritia Marautanga is a partnership collaboration between the Ministry of Education, Tui Tuia | Learning Circle, University of Auckland, Auckland Primary Principals’ Association (APPA), and Auckland Secondary Schools Principals’ Association (ASSPA).
Four members of Our Kāhui Ako have been selected to take part in this.
This is an opportunity to lead our Kāhui Ako to successfully embedding the refreshed NZ Curriculum. The aim of this community is to understand the design and intent of Te Mātaiaho across Years 1-13. Kōkiritia Marautanga is based on a shared commitment to successfully implement Te Mātaiaho, which will allow schools to assess how change is implemented and the associated successes or challenges.
Participating Kāhui Ako are able to advise the Ministry of Education about the issues experienced in the implementation of the NZ Curriculum Refresh. Principals, curriculum leaders, and other partners involved in this collaboration will receive the support they need to understand and implement the changes.
As a result of this AST's will be visiting schools and feedback relevant information for the successful implementation of Te Mātaiaho.
ENGAGE Professional Development
Many of our Early Childhood Centres in our Kāhui Ako are currently taking part in ENGAGE, an evidence-based approach to developing children’s self-regulation skills through play.
Delivering ENGAGE involves playing a selection of familiar children’s games for up to 30 minutes a day, to develop the emotional, cognitive and behavioural skills that children need to thrive at school and lead healthy, fulfilling lives.
Workshop One at Trinity Kindergarten was successfully delivered at the end of August, with our ECE teachers putting their new learning into action. We aim for this professional development to be a part of our efforts in progressing towards Achievement Challenge 2 of our Memorandum of Understanding; building resilience capability.
SECKA Kapa Haka Festival
On the 14th of September, we celebrated a night of Kapa Haka at our annual South East Christian Kāhui Ako Kapa Haka Festival at Sancta Maria College.
Our festival stage was ablaze with breathtaking performances, where students came together to weave mesmerising stories through waiata and traditional Māori performance. The spirit of Kapa Haka came alive, showcasing the richness of our cultural heritage.
As we look back on the festival's success, we are reminded of the importance of preserving and cherishing Te Ao Māori.
Structured Literacy Hui - Reminder
Exciting news! Structured Literacy Hui is resuming in Term 4.
Our Lady Star of the Sea School will host next and share their journey with us. These hui are such a valuable opportunity for teachers to connect with educators from across our schools and share best literacy practice.
Where: Our Lady Star of the Sea School
When: Thursday 19 October
Time: 3.30pm
All are welcome to attend so pop the date into your calendar! RSVPs will be sent out closer to the date.
Teacher Only Day Feedback Survey
Thank you to the 45% of people who responded to the feedback survey.
Please click the following link to see a summary of the responces.