SECKA Update 02
July 2024
This is our second SECKA update for 2024, our online newsletter keeping you informed about what's happening across our Kāhui Ako.
Upcoming Literacy Unconference

Click here to register.
We would like to invite you to attend our first SECKA Literacy Unconference. We will follow a relaxed format, with teacher-led sessions about practical strategies / approaches / resources that have made an impact in literacy teaching and learning.
Where: Elim Golflands Campus
When: Thursday 8 August
Time: 3.30pm - 5.00pm
Andrea Begunk - The Syntax Project
Claudine Collocutt - Writing instruction: Fast Feedback
Jessica Robinson - Structured Literacy in Years 4 - 8
Kerry Ackerman - Journey Towards the Literacy Co-Requisite
Ashleigh D'Cruz - Vocabulary Instruction
Denise Bailey and Laura Bentley - Picture Book Use (Year 3/4)
Lee Marten, Brooke Crowe and Alice Shin - Writing and Sentence Structure (Year 1/2)
Trish Pieterson - Disciplinary Literacy (Year 11 - 13)
Andrew Bergh - KISS: Keep It Structured Stupid (a brief overview of the science of reading for secondary teachers)
Within School Leader Hui
On June 6th, our Within School Teachers gathered for an afternoon of kōrero to discuss their individual inquiries. Our Numeracy Lead AST, Jessica Robinson, provided an overview of the key aspects of the Science of Learning. Following this, our Numeracy WSTs shared components of their inquiries, illustrating how the science of learning influences the teaching of Mathematics.
The discussion covered a range of topics, including the use of the CPA Approach (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract); the benefits of whole class teaching versus ability grouping; the design of a systematic and cumulative scope and sequence; and the impact a scope and sequence can have on students aiming to pass the mathematics co-requisite. Additionally, we explored how the implementation of a specific co-req class is preparing students for this year's standardised test.
Thank you to the Numeracy WSTs for all the hard mahi you have put in. Your well-informed and ambitious projects have truly impressed us.
To learn more about these projects, make sure to visit the SECKA Numeracy Workstream website and view the inquiry pages.
You can also see the full presentation by clicking the link below.
Upcoming Numeracy Workshop
On Thursday September 5th, SECKA is hosting our first Science of Maths Hui.
In this hui we will be talking about the key evidence in the Science of Learning, and its implications for mathematics education.
Watch out for more information coming early Term 3.
We look forward to seeing you there.
2024 NZ Catholic Education Convention
Theme: Tūhono Whakapono: Together, One Faith Community.
From the 19th - 21st of June, the ASTs attended the 2024 NZ Catholic Education Convention in Wellington. As a faith-filled and faith-focused Kāhui Ako this was an opportunity for our ASTs to discover more about authentic Christian leadership and to grow deeper in their faith. The opportunity to network widely and to attend seminars that speak to the core of our Christian ministry as educators was most beneficial.
The theme, Tūhono Whakapono, was chosen as our baptism brings us into te whānau whakapono, and through this we become a child of God and part of the faith community. Tūhono Whakapono:Together (as) one faith community we establish links, make connections and relate to our sisters and brothers in Christ, who through the shared experience of baptism are kin. As members of te whānau whakapono we have responsibilities and obligations to each other, the wider community, and the created world.
The key note speakers Manuel Beazley, Dr. Sandra Cullen, Joe Paprocki and Tim Wilson, were engaging, faith filled Christians who each made us consider new perspectives on our faith.
Below is a video presented at the conference on the History of the Integration Act. This Act has significantly influenced all our schools and the education system in New Zealand as a whole. Without this legislation, we would not have the opportunity to teach from a faith-based perspective in our schools. We encourage you to watch it to learn more about our history.
Kapa Haka Festival 2024
We are excited to announce that the SECKA Kapa Haka Festival will be held on the evening of Wednesday 18th September, 6pm at the Sancta Maria College Auditorium.
This is a spring festival so the beginning of the season is the perfect time for us to come together to share and enjoy the wonderful mahi of our Kapa Haka groups.
Wishing you all a happy productive Term 3
Mā te wā